Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC) $1.1 Billion

The Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre was to be a brand-new facility with the vision of saving lives by integrating world leaders in cancer research, treatment, care and education.

Responsibilities & Achievement

Working as an employee of Grocon, Paul was engaged from Design Stage 2 to manage the three crucial phases of commissioning, completion and compliance.


  • Develop detailed commissioning programme and sequencing
  • Establish the necessary witness, hold and review points as pre-commissioning drivers
  • Review and establish project specific Commissioning Management Plans across all Services disciplines
  • Co-ordinate with GPCL design consultant team to produce succinct witness inspection matrix
  • Co-ordinate off-site and Factory Acceptance Testing regimes
  • Tailor all internal commissioning processes as efficient “lead-in” processes prior to Schedule 10 IR/IC Witness Testing phase
  • Project Manage the implementation of a web based Total Capture System to enable key PPP specific outputs to be captured


  • Develop and take the lead on the VCCC Completion framework, extending to the Completion Plan, Manual and Report
  • Project Manage the required Schedule 10, Appendix A IR Witness Test Methodologies
  • Ensure the Facility meets all obligations as outlined in Schedule 10 Completion Requirements
  • Directly liaise and co-ordinate with the FM Operator to ensure the Facility is Fit For Purpose, As-Built and O&M obligations are met and the Facility is operationally ready for Day 1 of its’ Operating Term
  • Lead the requirements for Training and Transition
  • Manage the defects management process to ensure the facility is “defects free” at TC
  • Manage the process of satisfying all of the Completion Requirements as set out under Schedule 10, for the Facility to achieve key milestones of Technical Completion, Commercial Acceptance and is Operationally Ready for Day 1 of its’ Operating Term


  • Ensure Design requirements have been met including Design Departures Schedule, Functional Brief and Technical Specification compliance
  • Codes, Standards, Guidelines have been complied with
  • Obligations under the Builder-FM Interface Agreement have been met
  • Accreditation, Regulatory and Statutory compliance
  • Communication with relevant Authorities

The challenge on a project of this complexity and scope was twofold. The first challenge was posed by the requirements of such a highly-specialised facility such as the VCCC. Commissioning, completion and compliance was particularly complex. Paul had to develop specific test methodologies for the commissioning of the medical equipment, quarantine containment, Cyclotron Facility and Grade B clean rooms to rooms requiring stringent acoustic requirement – to name a few. These methodologies had to then be reviewed and accepted prior to the commissioning commencement.

The second challenge was added by the PPP model. A higher level of logistics, expertise and innovative problem solving was required to ensure that the clients, Grocon and PCL, met their ongoing obligations to the completed facility.

In order to streamline the process, Paul developed a project-specific web-based portal from the ground up to capture all of the completion requirements including O&M manuals, As-Builts, Handover Package and completion testing.

The Outcome

Paul’s ability to tailor methodologies to the complexity of any project meant that TC and CA completion processes ran efficiently, all milestones were all achieved on time.

The experience Paul had working with PPP models up to this point allowed him to develop critical frameworks to ensure the facility met all accreditation and was fit for purpose.

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